After a Saturday packed with such random fun, you wouldn't think we'd be able to fit much more craziness into Jaime's visit.
You'd be wrong.
A few weeks before he arrived, I had agreed to take part in a chashama window project called A Moral Aquarium on 37th Street. Chashama is a wonderful organization that helps artists in a variety of ways, including offering subsidized rehearsal space, performance venues, and opportunities to enliven abandoned store fronts by putting up exhibitions or shows - window projects. The one I was involved with (created by Dillon de Give) basically turned this tiny little storefront into an aquarium, complete with paper mache coral, seaweed, sand, and every other underwater environ staple you could imagine. Performers dressed in sea-creature garb "swam" around inside the space, enacting (and sometimes reacting to) pre-recorded interviews with passerby that focused on an instance when the person had been faced with a moral dilemma.
So, not your typical Sunday in the park.
Fortunately, Jaime was totally game. My roommate, Brittany, even got in on the fun, and once we all arrived at the little spot in the fashion district, the only problem was deciding who got to be which creature. We soon discovered which ones we clicked with though; Jaime totally fit the large purple lobster get up. Brittany loved the jellyfish tendrils. And I was (unexpectedly? naturally?) drawn to the hammerhead. Then the real fun began.
Sure, there were a lot of folks who passed by without noticing. Or who pretended not to notice. But you'd be amazed at how many did pause to take a look; performance art can really make people stop in their tracks. Some laughed, some shook their heads. My favorites were the "car-gawkers" who peered out at us from their vehicles on 37th street. There was no staring shame from these folks; when you've got some distance and a car door between you and the sea-creature freaks, you feel pretty invincible. That's what made it fun though... acting, jumping around for them. Then just at the last moment, right as the light changed, we'd crack open the glass door they hadn't paid attention to and reach out to them... talk about your great facial expressions! Of course, the kids were awesome too. They whole "moral" idea behind it may have been a little over their heads, but the total joy they felt at seeing these unexpected creatures was beautiful to watch.
All in all, I'd say it was a pretty stellar NYC weekend.
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